Sunday, February 15, 2009

Internet miracle

Never underestimate the Creator of the Universe to use the technology of computers to bring people together across the miles in a most unusual way. As you read in the last blog about the forming of Rehoboth, 2007 was the beginning of an exciting time for so many in working together to bring a more sustainable life style to families in Kenya.

It was one of those evening when emails were being read, answered and/or deleted. This unknown name came up on the screen. Normally, I don't read them but this one I did, it was African. It was a very considerate email thanking the receiver, me for providing a service and included in the text was the request to buy with a credit card the materials. As I can remember it was for a children's school in Kenya. The email was definitely sent to the wrong address (well, maybe - God has a way). Most would have deleted. I answered with a polite response letting him know this was not the address intended for his request and to be careful in giving his credit card information to a simple email address and not a secure sight. I believe a few days past and I received a generous thank you back that indeed on further investigation it had been a scam. A most thankful Peter proceeded to express sincere gratitude. I will spare you all the details but will say, that email has lead to yet another amazing group of women called "Zion's daughters, a new friendship with Peter, his wife Grace, their 4 beautiful girls and a group of women who hands are working so very hard to bring us beautiful work in baskets. So, I would say God answered the prayers of both John and Beatrice as well as, Peter and Grace.

Now Grace, who has such a heart for these women who are afflicted with HIV and aids formed this small group of women some time ago to help them weave and make jewelry to sell, so they could buy medicines, food and clothing for themselves and their families. Peter, to support his family ran a curio shop near the Nakuru game preserve (breathtaking). He lost his business during the uprisings last elections as well as some family members. He was asked to leave his home that he and his family had lived in for many years. So, when Grace asks him to help with the group he realized that might be a problem but he prayed. Again, those prayers were answered. The women of "Zion's daughters" did not have a good place to work last year.They worked either outside or when Peter could arrange it, they would work in a small lean to that was covered with potato or rice sacks. 2008 brought promise and their hoped renewed as was mine when Peter was offered a home to live in with his family. It is large enough to have the women's group come to do their work. Now there's a miracle. I can't explain why disaster befalls good people. . .What I do know is that faith, even as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Like John and Beatrice (who prayed for Rehoboth's beginnings) Peter and Grace believe in a God that has not forgotton them. Those prayers have been answered and many lives have been affected, especially mine.

Peter, Grace and their four beautiful daughters

Now I am not going to say this has been easy. . .however, the challenges have been met and we are still meeting them. The support has been overwhelming and the shows just keep coming with sales still up. As I write this, we have one tomorrow night in Gueneville, Ca and another in Oakland (Thank you, Christine). The first full on Festival appearance with their own booth (both groups) will be April 24 and 25 at the Apple Blossom Festival held in Sebastopol, California. I love working with them. It gives me the greatest thrill to tell their story over and over again. So with much pride in both groups I introduce you now to Zion's daughters, the second miracle group.

Grace giving 2008 Christmas packages to the women from monies sent to them from here.

How thankful they are to God and those who had a giving heart. They sing with much thanksgiving

This is Victor and his mother, one of the weavers. Despite the illness in both of their lives, she still smiles with much hope for her child.

Victor receiving his Christmas purples. There you see hope. He will have to grow into them!

The photos of Victor may be alittle disturbing to some. However, I see great love in the faces of these people and hope for a brighter future for all. When I read updates from Peter about the women and their challenges, they read like a Psalm. The enemy may be circling the camp but God is good and faithful. The hope they have brightens my day when I start to think my own life is spiraling. I need only look upon the pictures of Rehoboth and Zion's daughters to see God has not forgotton us. Tomorrow holds a new dawn and I shall wake up thankful.

Contact me for more information to see how you can get involved and reach across the world to help others. Believe me, it will change your life!

The Work of the Kitui women who are training the Zion's daughters.

New shipment of work coming in the next two weeks from both groups!